CURVED exhibition from 22.11. 2024

curved web im Titel klein

A laconic expression
- experimental and interactive
- with a soap bubble sound performance by “The Unfamiliarnaires”.

curved web im Titel klein

Exhibition opening of “Curved”
on Friday, 22.11. 2024 at 19:30!
Exhibition duration 23.11.2024 - 25.01.2025

The curved π-object images on display are transducers and transmit sounds.
We invite our visitors to participate interactively in the performance by producing soap bubbles themselves
and creatively influence the composition of “The Unfamiliarnaires”! We look forward to your visit!


a.i.p. project space - artists in progress gallery
Suarezstr. 8 - 14057 Berlin-Charlottenburg - 030 89 00 59 73 -
Opening hours: Thu + Fri: 3-7 p.m. , Sat: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.



aip Galerie (2)

a.i.p.galerie – project space | artists in progress

Suarezstr. 8 - 14057 Berlin-Charlottenburg - 030 89 00 59 73 - Opening hours: Thurs. + Fri.: 3 - 7 p.m.; Sat: 11 am - 3 pm and by appointment.

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Marius D. Kettler
Suarezstraße 8
14057 Berlin
Deutschland /Germany

Tel.: 030 89005973

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