Sound art animation 5- actus torus

Sound art animation 5- actus torus


Dolores Flores presents sculptures, unique bronze pieces and embossed paper prints.
The sculptures are abstract, made of wood using traditional sculpting techniques: barrel painting and gilding. In addition, unique bronze reliefs and embossed works on paper are on display.
Marius D. Kettler presents collages of serigraphs (with pencil drawings and foil strips) and reworked unique serigraphs (painted over with acrylic, with pencil drawings). - project space: Suarezstraße 8 - 14057 Berlin - 030 89 00 59 73
Opening hours: Thu + Fri: 3-7pm and Sat: 11am-3pm



 actus torus

 actus torus | 20...


Marius D. Kettler
Suarezstraße 8
14057 Berlin
Deutschland /Germany

Tel.: 030 89005973

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